
The Bartram Trail Wilderness Trust was founded to serve as a steward of the Bartram Trail greenspace areas, and as a mechanism through which people of the area can establish a more sincere appreciation for the beautiful natural environment of this region. As a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) operating foundation, under Internal Revenue Service guidelines, the Trust will maintain the flexibility to obtain funding through many public and private sources, for a myriad of projects and programs which compliment the organization's overall mission. The Trust may also establish relationships with individuals, groups, area schools and organizations which can bolster it's mission through participation and long-term partnerships.

The primary responsibility of the Trust is the stewardship of the community greenspace. As a part of fulfilling this responsibility, however, the Trust may consider the pursuit of a myriad of relevant projects which will untimately serve to increase the awareness of and appreciaiton for the greenspace. From the initial creation of simple walking and bike trails, to possibilities such as improvement of bird and wildlife habitat, observation areas, picnic pavilions and outdoor classrooms, the Trust will guide the realization of process. Once the physical improvements have been made, the Trust will oversee the ongoing maintenance of, and care for, these improvements.

Initially, the basic trail infrastructure will be funded by the developer. Ongoing, persons purchasing property in the Bartram Trail Community will be obliged to make a one-time contribution (currently 1/4 of 1% of the sales price of your home) to the Trust, which will provide for consistent, long-term funding for greenspace maintenance and operations. As the Trust becomes more established, residents and volunteers may seek other funding sources for the greenspace mission, through grants & fundraising. A board of directors and volunteer committees will meet as necessary to assist with both regular operations and long range planning for the greenspace and the organization.

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